Holla Fashionista! Today, I’m your lady in red, what do you
think? Mullet dress;what comes in your mind whenever you hear the word? You
are not a certified fashionista if you don’t have one in your closet.;)
At first I’m a bit hesitant to wear it because the color is red;
I have fear that I might not pull it off since the color may seem to be very
catchy for my complexion, I hope I made it though.;)
I personally styled
it, too bad I forgot to show the detail on its back view; it has a little hole
on top for a much sexier effect. It is actually not yet displayed in our store since
the other colors are still on the process of production. This also means that
for the meantime, you will not see it in our FB and MULTIPLY but don’t worry, we’ll
surely post it within the week; with different colors by that time. Oh golly! I’m
super excited already!Haha
IMF Accessories |
Shoes: Syrup by People are People
I hope you like it; this is your lady in red, signing
nice red dress..^^ appreciate if we the follow each other on GFC..^^